Category: seminario

  • The Craft of Scientific Research: lecture 7

    The craft of Scientific Research focuses on a set of transferable skills that are deemed essential for the practice of scientific research. The first part of three lectures focuses on the fundamental concept of scientific truth and how humanity pursues it: Why do we need to know? What is a model? How do we know?…

  • The Craft of Scientific Research: lecture 10

    The craft of Scientific Research focuses on a set of transferable skills that are deemed essential for the practice of scientific research. The first part of three lectures focuses on the fundamental concept of scientific truth and how humanity pursues it: Why do we need to know? What is a model? How do we know?…

  • The Craft of Scientific Research: lecture 9

    The craft of Scientific Research focuses on a set of transferable skills that are deemed essential for the practice of scientific research. The first part of three lectures focuses on the fundamental concept of scientific truth and how humanity pursues it: Why do we need to know? What is a model? How do we know?…

  • The Craft of Scientific Research: lecture 8

    The craft of Scientific Research focuses on a set of transferable skills that are deemed essential for the practice of scientific research. The first part of three lectures focuses on the fundamental concept of scientific truth and how humanity pursues it: Why do we need to know? What is a model? How do we know?…

  • The Craft of Scientific Research: lecture 6

    The craft of Scientific Research focuses on a set of transferable skills that are deemed essential for the practice of scientific research. The first part of three lectures focuses on the fundamental concept of scientific truth and how humanity pursues it: Why do we need to know? What is a model? How do we know?…

  • The Craft of Scientific Research: lecture 5

    The craft of Scientific Research focuses on a set of transferable skills that are deemed essential for the practice of scientific research. The first part of three lectures focuses on the fundamental concept of scientific truth and how humanity pursues it: Why do we need to know? What is a model? How do we know?…

  • The Craft of Scientific Research: lecture 4

    The craft of Scientific Research focuses on a set of transferable skills that are deemed essential for the practice of scientific research. The first part of three lectures focuses on the fundamental concept of scientific truth and how humanity pursues it: Why do we need to know? What is a model? How do we know?…

  • The Craft of Scientific Research: lecture 3

    The craft of Scientific Research focuses on a set of transferable skills that are deemed essential for the practice of scientific research. The first part of three lectures focuses on the fundamental concept of scientific truth and how humanity pursues it: Why do we need to know? What is a model? How do we know?…

  • The Craft of Scientific Research: lecture 2

    The craft of Scientific Research focuses on a set of transferable skills that are deemed essential for the practice of scientific research. The first part of three lectures focuses on the fundamental concept of scientific truth and how humanity pursues it: Why do we need to know? What is a model? How do we know?…

  • The Craft of Scientific Research: lecture 1

    The craft of Scientific Research focuses on a set of transferable skills that are deemed essential for the practice of scientific research. The first part of three lectures focuses on the fundamental concept of scientific truth and how humanity pursues it: Why do we need to know? What is a model? How do we know?…

  • 3D Frame: piattaforma di Realtà Virtuale

    Webinar dedicato alla piattaforma 3D Frame, piattaforma di Realtà Virtuale messa a disposizione ad uso gratuito da Bi-Rex per il progetto DARE. Assieme alla presentazione della piattaforma, verrà presentato il caso d’uso applicativo in 3D Frame del team della professoressa Veronica Rossano dell’Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro. È possibile iscrivervi al webinar attraverso il seguente link.…

  • La certificazione dei prodotti medicali

    In questo seminario descriviamo i processi che hanno portato tutti i paesi sviluppati a regolamentare la commercializzazione di prodotti medicali, e quali sono i principi fondamentali comuni a tutti i sistemi regolatori nazionali, incluso le categorie principali in cui si suddividono i prodotti medicali, e il tipo di percorso sperimentale che le aziende devono fare…